Trust Our Proven Success
Billion Dollars
We select the most promising digital health ventures to fund, advise and support toward success.
Our partners have collectively generated over $4 billion in exit revenue over the last 10 years.
When you invest in OTV and join our mission to improve global health, you can expect full transparency, including quarterly reports about our progress and yearly updates at our annual investor summit. We enjoy spending one-on-one time with you whenever you come to visit us or when we’re on your side of town.
Our selection process is personable and supportive, as well as detailed. We’ll review your deck and, should your venture meet our criteria for investment, we’ll invite you for a friendly meeting to get to know you and begin exploring your company. We look forward to learning about the passion and strengths that you bring to the business.
1251 6th Avenue
34th Floor
New York, USA
121 Menachem Begin Rd.
61st Floor
Tel Aviv, Israel